About the Download

6 Images- Logo, Main/Slide 1/Ending image, Slide 2 image, Slide 3 image, Slide 4 image and Slide 5 image

Add 10 text- Video name and Phone number, real estate name, property location, price, details such as how many bedrooms and bathrooms, SQFT and small details you would like to add

4 Colors- Keep default colors or change them

Choose Audio- Default music or replace with your own

After you have purchased this video you can download the sample to help you decide how you want to design it. Email me at support@reflectionisbeauty.com along with your logo and 5 images. Include your company name, address, phone number, property location, price and details about the property. Once I receive all the information needed, I will create your video within 36 hours from receipt of payment and will add video to your downloads to keep. I will also need to know if you want it in you tube format or vimeo format.

If the video doesn’t show from demo copy and paste this link https://youtu.be/X9rZol1PXig